Christmas Traditions

a story by Cindy Reeves

As I’ve gotten older, my Christmas traditions have changed, slightly, but not a lot, surprisingly!

Growing up, I always had a white artificial Christmas tree that I would help decorate with all red ornaments and then any special ones I made as a kid. Now, my husband, David, and I always go pick out a real tree together, as he grew up with real trees. We have collected many ornaments in our almost 15 years of marriage.  Some from all the places we have been, others that have been gifted to us.  So our tree is full of “meaningful and special” ornaments.

One tradition that has not changed is that I have always attended a Christmas Eve service, whether it be at my childhood church in Arlington, or here at UUMC. My Mom has always been a part of that tradition and now it is tradition that she travels here to attend our Christmas Eve service with us.

As our kids have gotten older and now are both married, with one granddaughter who just turned 1, the date of our Christmas gathering changes year by year, but not what we do when we are all together. We take turns selecting a Christmas movie to watch together and decide on a meal to prepare. We also still do Christmas stockings and put a mystery fruit or vegetable in the bottom and the kids have to guess what the fruit or vegetable is by feeling it before they look at it or empty their stocking.

Scripture: Luke 1: 72

He has shown the mercy promised to our ancestors, and remember his holy covenant, the oath he swore to our ancestor Abraham.


Holy God, the mystery of Christmas remains year after year.  In moments with family, in holiday decorations, in church services.  Thank you for being near to us always. Amen.


A Reflection


The Thin Place