Welcome to the Youth Ministry at UUMC. Here you can expect to find a community of people in grades 6 through 12, from all corners of Austin, Texas. No matter who are you, where you are from, what you believe, who you love, or what you think – you are very, very welcome here!
Sunday School
Each week, you can expect to find high school and middle school students meeting on Sunday mornings. We gather to talk about our lives, school, friends, faith, and more. We end each Sunday morning with a chance to share our “high’s and low’s” that week. Join us for class then stay as we enjoy the worship service together.
Our youth like to have fun, share stories, talk honestly with one another. We love to get together and have some fun!
MYF – Methodist Youth Fellowship - happens the first and third Sunday of every month. We meet after worship for lunch, games, lessons, and a chance to connect with other teenagers. Join us after worship, 12:00-2:00 pm!
Throughout the year, you can expect to find opportunities to serve the community (and get some service hours, if that’s your thing!) We love to help UUMC’s programs, Open Door, Vacation Church Camp, the Fall Festival, and more! You can also find us at city-wide marches, such as the MLK Day march, the Women’s March, and whenever we get the chance to show up for our neighbors. Our biggest hit is our summer Mission Trip each year – we’ve even been to Washington, DC!
Confirmation Classes
UUMC offers Confirmation classes every other year for students in Grades 8 through 11. We’ve created our own curriculum to best explain our beliefs. Topics include John Wesley and the Growth of Methodism, Free Will and the Omnipresence of God, Caring for Others, Self Care, The Global Church and Membership Vows. Learn More
Confirmation classes begin August 2024! Sign up by July 22.
Natasha Ulack
Youth Ministries Director
Natasha creates well
thought out educational programming for our youth that allows plenty of room for fun and community building.
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