We at UUMC believe Sunday school classes are for more than just children. We offer classes for all ages, and they’re drop in friendly! So feel free to stop by during the Sunday School hour (9:45 - 10:45 am.)
Children & Youth Classes
Our children 2-years-old through 5th grade gather on the 1st floor for Godly Play lessons. Godly Play is a Montessori-like approach to Christian education. The goal of Godly Play is to teach children the art of using the language of the Christian tradition to encounter God and find direction for their lives.
Our youth from 6th - 12th grades gather in the Youth rooms on the 3rd floor for Sunday School. In addition to growing in faith, our Youth are able to make new friends and have a safe space to explore different religious and social justice topics.
Adult Classes
Centering Prayer
Sanctuary | S-200
Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer. The session consists of a 20-minute meditation that starts at 10:00 a.m, scripture readings and optional sharing with other group members. The method of Centering Prayer we use can be found in the book, “Open Mind, Open Heart” by Thomas Keating.
Gardeners Class
Education Building | Library
Young adults (ages 25-40ish) compose a vibrant and welcoming community. They study scripture, progressive Christianity, and take turns leading discussions on current issues. Members check in with one another for prayers and support.
Odyssey Class
Education Building | 312
Odyssey Class is a very casual and open discussion based class. We typically spend 20-30 minutes of the class time with a presentation of the topic, and 20-30 minutes for discussion. Half our topics relate to Social Justice concerns and the other half of the topics relate to Spirituality, the Bible and the Arts. We learn, we laugh, we care, we question, we vent, we are open and accepting, we strive to grow, and we are welcoming. Come and join!
Wesley Plus Class
Education Building | 303
Everyone is welcome. Discussions of the Bible, theological, and social issues of current interest. Class sessions are facilitated by members of the class and invited guest speakers. Members of the class are actively involved in service and leadership within UUMC and within the Austin community.
Explorers Class
Education Building | 302
Welcoming class (ages 50+) leads programs and invites guest speakers on range of spiritual, community, and justice topics. Wide-ranging discussion, sharing, and “living the questions” encouraged. Supporting UUMC’s missional outreach and “being there” for church family are core values.
Nourish Class
Education Building | 320
A Sunday School class for parents. All are welcome! We will be discussing different topics, geared towards parents and how these topics intersect with our faith. We will end our time each week sharing prayer concerns with one another.