For Unto Us A Child is Born

a poem by Beth Kelley

After his mother’s hard sweaty work,
The smells of the barn, the messiness
And confusion of life greeted him.

Shepherds came, and wise ones
Followed a star. In awe of what they saw,
Did they also consider the common miracle:
the wondrous spark of life
given to us all as air pushes breath
into lungs, igniting life.

He was born to change the world,
To bring the message of peace, to be
the embodiment of God’s love.

And beneath the surface shines
Another simple graceful truth:
We are ALL children of God.

So, child of here and now, know this:
However your life unfolds, whatever dreams
And dances you may embrace,

You, too, are a miracle,
You, too, are a child of God,

Scripture: Luke 2:6-7

While they were there, the time came for Mary to have her baby. She gave birth to her firstborn child, a son, wrapped him snugly, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the guestroom.


God of all life, of things past, present, and things to come, be with us this season and remind us that we too, are a child of God.  Amen.


Joy to the World


On the Road