From The Three

by Hannah Garrity,
Sanctified Art


Read Along

I dislike the final energy in the central motif of this artwork. It feels discordant. Perhaps that’s the point.

As I continue to watch our communities come together and splinter apart, it is always through the aspirational and the altruistic that the re-weaving begins. This discordant quilt square calls us to sit in the tension of the in-between, to weave our lives together rather than pulling them apart. And yet, I hate it. The asymmetry of it all. I want the art, the community, and the collective life to be simple, symmetrical and full of order. But in Ecclesiastes, our practical God emphasizes that two are better than one and three are stronger than two. A three-ply cord isn’t easily broken. This offers a very trinitarian way forward in the messy, interwoven, beautiful and powerful collective.

Breathe deeply as you gaze upon the image on the right. Imagine placing yourself in this scene. What do you see? How do you feel? Get quiet and still, offering a silent or spoken prayer to God.


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