God is Love

by Kim Snyder-Jackson


Read Along

About 10 years ago, I bought a large antique framed tapestry at a garage sale. I wasn’t looking for art that day, but this one called to me. Flowers, family, animals, church, and stars.  And three words–“God is Love”. It was beautiful in its simplicity.

We hung it in our home shortly after.  The more I stared at it the more I realized I believed it.  God IS love.

Love is where you find God.  God is the comfort of rocking a baby until they fall asleep on your chest. God is the peace you feel when reading a book with your dog snuggled next to you.  God is being together and listening to kid stories (in detail) about video games you have never, and probably will never, play. It is the feeling of overwhelming warmth you get when you sit down at your table with your family after preparing a holiday meal and seeing multiple generations enjoying each other’s company.  God is the calm in your heart when you are holding the hand of your person. God is the love that you witness when your kids are playing hacky sack together and smiling and laughing.  God is being part of a community teaching and fighting for kindness in our world. When your heart needs comfort, look for the love and find God.


Despite it All


Words for a Wounded World