Holy & Unhindered
by Rev. Sarah A. Speed
Read Along
I am sure it is important to close your eyes, to pray on your knees, to fling yourself into deep reverence and even deeper humility. I am sure the Spirit is close when we dress up, when we sing the descant line, when we murmur the words with a sincere and hopeful heart.
And I am sure that when you moonwalk through your living room in soft wool socks, when you cackle loudly enough for the whole restaurant to hear, when you squeal into the phone and make pancakes for dinner, when you plunge your hands into the dirt and talk to the sparrows, when you make a mess of Communion breadcrumbs all around the table, or when you allow yourself an undone, unhindered, unpolished sort of joy–that the Spirit loves that just as well.
The angel said, Do not be afraid; I am bringing you joy. We humans have spent a lot of time focusing on the fear.
Don’t forget: God is also in the joy.