Hope is Worth The Risk

by Kayla Craig,
Sanctified Art


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Hope isn’t flimsy–it’s a force that propels us toward God’s presence and redemptive plan for all creation, for all time.

It’s vulnerable to hope. The more we hope, the more we can be disappointed. For those of us who bear scars from the hurt of this world, hope can feel scary–too risky, too unrealistic. Cynicism seems like a safer, more straightforward path. But cynicism doesn’t change the world–hope does.

Hope challenges us to declare, “It can be better,” and empowers us to make it so.

Our weary world doesn’t need any more cynics and scoffers–but as wars rage and divisions heighten, we desprately need hope-bearers who point us to a better way, one where life is made new and lies of shame and fear don’t have the final say. Our hope is a reflection of God’s plans for the world–plans for renewal and restoration in the face of death and despair.

Every day, we have the chance to choose hope and enter into God’s redemptive dream for the world–even when it disrupts our understanding and expectations (perhaps especially then).

In this season of hope, may you find the courage to hold onto hope and act on it, to let the divine trust of Mary and Joseph weave through the fabric of your life.

Lies of cynicism are loud, and so are the voices of others–but beloved, hope is worth fighting for. May the Spirit of God surround you this season so that you might trust like Joseph and sing like Mary. The same hope they held is still alive today, transforming creation into God’s will for justice and peace. As you prepare your heart for Christ’s arrival, may you make room for God’s presence, and may your actions reflect God’s hope for humanity. Amen.




The Gift of Anticipation