November 26, 2023


Read Along:

An Introduction
by Rev. Teresa Welborn

Among the scriptures appearing during the season of Advent is Psalm 126:

When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,
     we were like those who dream.
Then our mouth was filled with laughter
     and our tongue with shouts of joy;
 then it was said among the nations,
     “The Lord has done great things for them.”
The Lord has done great things for us,
     and we rejoiced. - Psalm 126:1-3

“We were like those who dream.” The Advent and Christmas season is filled with dreamers. The prophets and John the Baptist, Mary and Joseph, Simeon and Anna, the shepherds and the Magi. They received and discovered dreams.  

I’ve heard that the time between deep sleep and getting out of bed is the best time for remembering dreams that visit us at night. My hurried state of living often prevents me from recalling my dreams. I am not unlike a young child who finds it difficult to wait for the surprise of Christmas morning. I rush through my days with little time to sit and reflect. I am anxious to get to the next thing - the next email, the next appointment, the next scheduled event. Like me, you might do well to accept the gifts God longs to give us in this season of Advent. As a time of waiting and preparation, Advent is an invitation to slow our pace. In doing so, we might find more ease and experience more calm in the day. We might carry ourselves more peacefully and share with others more generously. And we just might find space enough to remember and to dream. 

The words from Psalm 126, “We were like those who dreamed,” inspire our sermon series for this season and will shape our worshipful work together in the days ahead. This devotional book is filled with writings from members and friends of our church community. Like you and like me, they join the great company of dreamers throughout time. Their words are shared freely and lovingly with our community, and I am grateful for each writer and their offerings. This season, may you slow down long enough to read each reflection. Maybe you’ll share it around the dinner table. Maybe you’ll reach out to a friend, and visit about it. Maybe you’ll listen to the recorded podcast on your way to work. I trust you will be touched and inspired by these words from our community.

Friends, we live at a time when our hearts are often weighed down by the worries of the world. This is true. And it is also true that dreams are still being born. If we dare to notice and wonder. If we dare to step into the mystery and awe of God’s dreams. If we dare to pray they shape our reality. 

What a joy to be your pastor!


November 27, 2023


Season 2-Those Who Dream-Premiering November 26!