We celebrate Epiphany Sunday, January 5 and welcome guest preacher Rev. Lizzie Wright.
On Epiphany Sunday we remember the maji of Matthew’s Gospel account and the star that they followed to worship the one born as Savior of the world and we celebrate the Light of Christ that shines. We will celebrate holy communion and all will be invited to take home a "star word" to use in prayer practices.
As we remember the gifts the wise men brought to the Christ child, we will join together in collecting gently used or new coats and jackets for Fig Leaf. Please bring your items to worship with you on January 5, 2025. You can leave them in the collection containers available in each narthex.
Rev. Wright is an ordained elder in the Rio Texas Conference of The UMC and is Executive Director of Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors, a non-profit law office that provides free immigration legal services, education, and advocacy.