Worship | Sunday @ 11:00 am
Online or In-Person
Join us for worship as we celebrate World Communion Sunday at our in person service at 11am in the Sanctuary. Pastor Earl will be preaching and his sermon title is “Ode to Bread.” The scripture reading is from the Gospel of John and we will hear these familiar words from Jesus: “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” It’s also the day that Christians throughout the world celebrate World Communion Sunday. The Sanctuary choir will be singing a traditional praise and worship song from the Zulu culture entitled “Mangisondele Nkosi Yam” which is translated “Be Nearer my Lord.” As well, we will have Divya Srinivasa, a traditional Indian dancer, share with us during the offertory. Divya is a UT student and this semester has been using one of our classrooms to practice during the week. Lastly, we are excited to have Hannah Merrill (UT student) and Kenzie Slottow accompanying communion with a flute duet. We look forward to this exciting worship service!
The online service premiers at 11am on our youtube channel. If you worship online and are not able to get out because of health or any other concerns but would like to receive communion in your home, please contact Pastor Earl or Pastor Teresa and we will arrange for a time for in-home communion.