Stay Awake and Dream

On this First Sunday of Advent, Pastor Teresa will be preaching and the sermon text is Mark 13:24-37. The words from Psalm 126 “We were like those who dreamed” inspires our sermon series for this season. The Advent and Christmas season is filled with dreamers. The prophets and John the Baptist; Mary and Joseph; Simeon and Anna; the shepherds and the Magi. They all received and discovered dreams. It is true that we live at a time when our hearts are often weighed down by the worries of the world. And it is also true that dreams are still being born. If we dare to notice and wonder. If we dare to step into the mystery and awe of God’s dreams. If we dare to pray they shape our reality. 

“It is a strange way to begin this time of Advent. Beginning Advent with weeping and lament? That is unusual! And powerful. This is where we need to begin. The coming of Advent jolts the church out of Ordinary Time with the invasive news that it’s time to think about fresh possibilities for deliverance and human wholeness.”

– Patricia E. DeJong


Prepare the Way


Repairing The World