Dear friends and members of University UMC:
Happy New Year! I pray your Christmas was full of meaning and joy. As the year begins here at UUMC, I am excited about all God has in store for us as we continue to be people of peace and possibility. When the problems and concerns of the world feel overwhelming, we turn to our local community - trusting we can and do make a difference for good right where we are.
Even as 2024 was coming to a close, leaders in the church and staff were busy at work making plans and meeting with community members to discover how we as a church can serve in this new year. Below are just a few of the upcoming programs.
In January we welcome two guest preachers who will inspire and challenge us. This Sunday we welcome Rev. Lizzie Wright. It is Epiphany Sunday and Rev. Wright will preach on the traditional text from Matthew’s Gospel about the wise men’s visit to the Christ child during the time of Herod. Rev. Wright is an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church and serves as Executive Director of Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbor, a non-profit we as a church have supported for years. You can learn more about ARJFON on their website. Below I included a video from SALT called “Jesus was a Refugee.”
On MLK, Jr. Sunday (January 19) we welcome Rev. Dominique A. Robinson, preaching professor at Seminary of the Southwest here in Austin. The following day all are invited to join together in the Austin MLK March. It is not lost on me that this year the march takes place on January 20, the same day as the presidential inauguration in our country. There is no place I’d rather be on that day than with my faith community standing for racial justice. May we always strive to embody King’s revolutionary spirit - a spirit empowered by unconditional love, justice, and nonviolence.
Last year questions surfaced about the reality of food insecurity among UT students along with the question of how we can help. In February we welcome our own Dr. Chad Seales for a Lunch and Learn on this topic. Dr. Seales is a UT professor who has a passion for this work and has been working with a couple of different student groups.
Be sure to find more information in the Econnection and on the website about all these events. And if you are looking for a place to roll up your sleeves and volunteer, our Open Door feeding ministry continues to grow and new volunteers are always welcome. You can learn more and sign up to volunteer on our website.
I know that I come to this new year carrying some worries and concerns about all that might be. But I also know that God is with us and that God still has work for us to do. As I continue to say in sermons, we roll up our sleeves - because that is what hope looks like. On a personal note, I pray you can find a moment of quiet reflection to give thanks for all that was in 2024 and to consider the ways God will be at work in your life in this new year. In worship, we will have the opportunity to receive a “Star Word.” Star Words are a wonderful invitation to such reflection as one year ends and another begins. If you’re curious about Star Words and want to learn more, find below A Note About Star Words written by Rev. Sarah Speed. I’ve also included John O’Donohue’s blessing for a New Year.
Hope to see you Sunday! What a joy to be your pastor!