A Charlie Brown and Andy Williams Christmas

a story by Megan Otto

Since I moved to Texas I’ve had to rely on things other than weather to signal that the holiday season is approaching.  In my family that other thing has always been music – specifically Charlie Brown and Andy Williams.  My mother has been known to start listening to Vince Guaraldi’s Charlie Brown Christmas when the first chill in the air begins in Kansas, usually in September.  I also have fond memories of the Andy Williams Christmas Album echoing throughout the living room when I was a child.  What is it about this music that is so joyful and puts us in the right mood?

I wonder what helps you move from the ordinary mood of the year to a holiday mood?

Sometimes that transition is easy – it’s exciting and something to look forward to.  Sometimes those transitions can be difficult. We might not feel the joy we need to move into a season or feel sadness to move out of another.  As you transition and navigate your way into this advent season I hope that you can find moments of joy and hope.  You might find those moments in the tangible details or they might just happen when you get to spend time with people you care about.

Remember that if the seasonal transition is hard for you for one reason or another, it’s ok to feel what you are feeling.  People struggle during holiday seasons for a plethora of reasons and you are not alone. If all else fails try my method and turn on some Charlie or Andy to lighten your mood. You might find yourself humming along with a smile on your face and joy in your heart.

Scripture: John 1:14

The Word became flesh and made his home among us.  We have seen his glory, glory like that of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.


God, be with me now as I seek to be comfortable with where I am physically, spiritually, and emotionally this holiday season.  Give me grace to be patient with myself, and those around me as I navigate all that is before me.  Amen


The Tree of Misfit Ornaments


Hearts and Hands