Hearts and Hands

a story by Lee Alice Pablo

Hands to work, Hearts to God. -Shaker motto

If there was a southern workshop for Santa in the nineties, it was in South Louisiana where my grandparents once lived and worked with their hands most days. Growing up, I spent a lot of weekends with them. Time spent with them was like going to a creative workshop. I would sketch an idea for a wooden trunk for my doll and then

I would ask my grandfather (PaPa) if we could go build it in the shop, which we would! My grandmother (MeMe) would let me pick out fabrics and try to teach me how to sew. There was always something fun and creative to appreciate at their home. On most Sundays with them, MeMe would get up early to prepare a roast for the oven before we headed to First Methodist. Once we returned, PaPa would make sure the home improvement show This Old House was recorded on the VCR. While we were getting ready for the rest of the family to join us for Sunday dinner, there was the background sound of Bob Vila’s voice speaking of woodworking projects.

Christmas eve was when most of my mom’s family would gather at their home and it was always something I looked forward to because it was when they would reveal what they had been working on. There are so many treasured gifts, but the one that stands out the most to me is a project they collaborated on. It was a tudor style bed for my doll complete with curtains and coordinating linens. PaPa built the wood frame and MeMe sewed the lovely fabrics. Their faces are what I remember most because of their joy to share their gifts. Those toys were built with love.

Scripture: Mark 10:16

And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.


Creator God, strengthen our hands to create and work for good.  Soften our hearts to see others as you see them.  Slow us down to find joy in the doing.  Amen.


A Charlie Brown and Andy Williams Christmas


Home Depot and Eartha Kitt