Applesauce Bars

A story by Heather Green

Every year my great grandmother would make her famous applesauce bars for Christmas.  These were a fan favorite.  So beloved in fact, that she would make them and then have to hide them around the kitchen so they didn’t get eaten all at once.  I don’t remember much about my great Nonnie or her house.  She died when I was very young. I’m told, however, that her house was small and humble.  But at Christmastime it was bursting at the seams with people, food, presents, laughter, love and applesauce bars.

Years later I began trying to recreate these applesauce bars.  No one could ever find a recipe.  They knew she used a spice cake box mix, cans (not jars) of applesauce and there was much debate between my mom and aunt if there were crushed up pecans added.  Everyone was certain however, that they were topped with cream cheese frosting.

I tried recreating these bars for several years in a row.  Each time adjusting the recipe so slightly.  I managed to get the flavor almost right, but I could never achieve the right consistency.  Mine were always too “cakey” and not bar-like. But year after year cousins, aunts, and uncles would show up to Christmas waiting to try my applesauce bars.

Working on this recipe for so long connected me to my great grandmother.  A woman who was kind and thoughtful and would bring out an “extra” present if anyone showed up to Christmas she wasn’t expecting.  A woman who filled everyone’s tummy with warmth.  A woman who built a family foundation of faith and love.

As we enter into this Christmas season, may we remember the ones who came before us, who created our family traditions, who crafted our family culture.  And may we keep trying to create homes of faith, warmth and love for this generation and the next.  Knowing our efforts now, may just bring hope and love and joy for years to come.

Scripture: Psalm 78:4

We won’t hide them from their descendants; we’ll tell the next generation all about the praise due the Lord and his strength— the wondrous works God has done.


God of us all, thank you for those who have gone before us, guiding our way, teaching us how to love.  Inspire us and grant us strength to continue the traditions that bring us life and forge new ones that bring us hope.  From this generation to the next.  In the name of the one who was and is and is to come.  Amen.


A Christmas Day Prayer

