
a story by Amanda Wilson

Growing up, my parents were never religious but our family would attend a Christmas Eve service at my aunt’s congregation in downtown Houston. The service never really resonated with me; however, I always enjoyed holding my candle, receiving the flame, passing the flame on, and watching all the candles glow and flicker in the dark church. Something about it felt special and made the whole visit worthwhile.

Fast forward to Christmas Eve of 2021, so much in my life had changed since attending that church in downtown Houston. I had found UUMC and its abundance of community in 2016 and had been regularly attending Sunday services. With my family now scattered across the country and not wanting to fly due to the pandemic, I found myself staying in Austin during Christmas of 2021 and wanted to do something special. I decided to sing in the choir on Christmas Eve. While I had never sung before, something told me it was the right thing to do! During the service, I sang my heart out and felt incredibly connected to our congregation. When it came time to light the candles, I was able to watch the process from an entirely different perspective since I was sitting with the choir. The candles still felt special, but this year it felt different. After years of Christmas Eve services where I felt out of place and confused, I finally felt like I had found where I belonged.

Scripture: John 1: 9-10a

The true light that shines on all people was coming into the world. The light was in the world, and the world came into being through the light.


Light of the World, help us as we continue to find our place, especially during the holiday season.  Remind us of your love and help us pass that love onto others as light passes from candle to candle.  Amen.


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