Christmas with Mary

a story by Jillian Moore

Despite having a strained relationship with the church I grew up in, as I reflect on my past, all of my favorite Christmas memories are there. Years of Advent Festivals, candlelight Christmas Eve services, helping set up trees and decorations when I was in the youth group. I’ve always wondered why Christmas at church felt like such a brighter experience than all of my other church experiences. Was it simply the fact that Christmas is just generally magical? I remember being so enamored by the stories, the crafts, the cozy feeling, and remarkably as though I was worthy. I saw a woman in the story. I got to see myself in Mary. I remember being 14 or 15 and finally being able to verbalize that feeling. I loved Christmas at church because it was a moment in my faith that I didn’t have to negotiate quite so much with my womanness. There she was, the giver of life, at the center of one of the most important stories in the bible. The comfort that brought me, even when I couldn’t understand all the ways that my perspective was being shaped, was tremendous. Christmases at church are my favorite church memories AND my favorite Christmas memories and that is not insignificant to me. Celebrating the birth of Jesus is also a celebration of Mary.

After Christmas Eve candlelight service, my family and I would always make and eat tamales and talk about the season. Mary, unsurprisingly, was always my biggest talking point. Merry Christmas!

Scripture: Luke 1: 46-49

Mary said, ‘With all my heart I glorify the Lord! In the depths of who I am I rejoice in God my savior.  He has looked with favor on the low status of his servant.  Look! From now on, everyone will consider me highly favored because the mighty one has done great things for me.  Holy is his name.


Dear God, thank you for Mary.  Thank you for the ways she ushered in new life, giving birth to hope and light and love.  May we strive to be like Mary.  Making way for new things to come, ushering in your kindom on earth.  Amen.




Christmas Trees