Christmas Angel

a story by Diane Ireson

Christmas always brings up a memory for me. I am walking down my hill at night in my small Vermont hometown. The residential neighborhoods are on fourteen hills with the town square below. I am going to our Christmas Eve service. My father will be in the pulpit, my mother in the choir. I look around my town with its twinkling lights and smile. Home.

My home today looks different, but Christmas remains very important to me. In my childhood, we had a German Christmas tree, influenced by my grandmother, Nana, who lived with us. There was a white star at the top. Cotton batting and silver icicles lined every branch. Cones of shiny silver and gold paper and tiny silver and gold woven baskets filled with candy covered the tree. My grandmother had brought the baskets with her when she immigrated from Germany. Her baskets still adorn our tree today. We have a different tree than the ones of my childhood, but the baskets remain. They are a reminder of traditions and people I hold dear. Today, I have divided the baskets up, keeping some for our tree and giving the rest to my children. It is my hope that the baskets will live on to the next generations.

There is a new addition to our tree. My mother loved Christmas. She made it special for us. Her laughter was a constant presence throughout the season. She died in 2011. That year, a friend gave me a gift of a white porcelain angel ornament. Each year, I put it at the top of the tree just under our tree topper. Perfect! There you go, Mom. I thought it was only right that you should have the best seat in the house to enjoy the holiday festivities. You will always be my Christmas Angel.

Scripture: Luke 2:10-12

The angel said, “Don’t be afraid! Look! I bring good news to you—wonderful, joyous news for all people. Your savior is born today in David’s city. He is Christ the Lord. This is a sign for you: you will find a newborn baby wrapped snugly and lying in a manger.”


Good and Gracious God, beginning with Mary and passed down from generation to generation, women in our lives have helped us learn how to celebrate Christmas. May we continue to cherish these things as Mary did in our hearts.  Amen.


The Joy of Getting Ready


A Joyful Christmas Pageant