The Joy of Getting Ready

a story by Dr. Eun Joo Fierro

Since I can remember, my whole life has been involved in church. Especially, when it comes to special seasons like Christmas, my whole family would “camp out” in the church (or so it seemed) to get ready for a series of events. My sister and I were in the children’s choir so participating in the Christmas cantata and pageant was a must. My dad, being a youth director, was in charge of youth events and helped out my mom who was in charge of all the set designs and posters. It was physically and mentally demanding and exhausting but the joy of ‘getting ready’ was something that would sustain us until next Christmas.

Moving forward to the 2000s, my parents retired from the ‘Christmas season camp out’ but mine still continues. Slowly, I found myself dreading the stress and pressure from getting ready and ended many Christmases with the longest sigh of relief! I realized that it was no longer my childhood Christmas. It had become ‘work.’   

One year after another day of Lessons and Carols rehearsal, a line from John Rutter’s Star Carol, “Hurry to Bethlehem and to see the son of Mary,” got stuck in my brain and I couldn’t stop humming.  I decided to look up its lyrics and it offered profound insights of the true meaning of Christmas,” Christ is come, bringing promise of salvation.”

What are we getting ready for?  Are we getting ready for the coming Christ? Let’s hurry to Bethlehem and to see the son of Mary!   

Scripture: Isaiah 64:4

From ancient times, no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any god but you who acts on behalf of those who wait for him!


O God, the waiting and getting ready sometimes consumes the Advent season.  May we always remember what we are getting ready for.  The birth of a savior.  Amen.


The Christmas Card


Christmas Angel