The Light (Phös)

a story by Earl Kim

My wife and I have kept a sort of secular Christmas tradition for many years. It is to watch one of the three movie series—The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. And Star Wars is the one we are going to watch this December. I love the saga of the Jedi knights fighting against the evil Galactic Empire to liberate people in the galaxy. In this fictional universe, the Jedi use a mysterious power called “the Force.” And this Force is described as a ubiquitous power inherent in every creature, and an energy field bounding the universe in harmony. “May the Force be with you!” The Jedi always bid farewell to each other with this famous phrase.

When I hear the word “the Force” from the movie, it brings to my mind a Greek word with similar pronunciation, “the phōs (Φώς),” which means “the light.” This particular word is frequently used in the Gospel of John:

“What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light (phōs) of all people. The light (phōs) shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:3-5

How wonderful! Jesus is the life-giving light, the phōs, for all people. This phōs is the force of love given to every Christian to overcome injustice and transform the world with its radiance of grace and peace. And the season of Advent is the time we remember this ever-glowing light within us and let it shine not only in us but on others. Faithful friends in Christ, thus, it is my prayer that the light of Jesus Christ inside us may illuminate our minds, warm our hearts, and enkindle everlasting hope in new life, always. May “the phōs” be with you!

Scripture: John 1:3-5

What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light (phōs) of all people. The light (phōs) shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.


Holy God, light of the world, we give you thanks for guiding our way.  Remind us that the light is not beyond us but within us.  Helping us shine, love, and transform the world. Amen.


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