Creating Gifts

a story by Davis Roe

Growing up in Austin, I have been very fortunate to have my aunt (my mother’s sister) and her five children, all relatively close to my age, only minutes away from me and my family. This geographic proximity facilitated playdates, sleepovers, birthdays and holidays shared together.

Christmas is one holiday our families rarely spend apart. For as long as I can remember, Christmas with the cousins has involved our tradition of a gift exchange between all of the kids–seven of us in total, including myself and my sister. To begin the process, my mom writes each person’s name on a slip of paper. We then go around drawing the name of the person to whom we will give our gift. With our designated recipient in mind, we create a craft to give to that person. The craft can be anything, but each year my mom and aunt either purchase supplies or take us to a venue to create our gifts. One year we made lego ornaments, another year it was Bob Ross-inspired paintings. We have gone to a pottery studio, a jewelry-making store and various other craft studios. As we have gotten older, the projects have taken on surprising complexity, and I am constantly amazed at the beautiful works of art my sister and cousins create.

I love this tradition. It is fun and rewarding to spend time working creatively, something I rarely find myself doing unprompted. I also love the idea of creating with the intent of giving your work to someone else. There is something so special about receiving the thought, effort, and intention that is encapsulated in the art from another person. Lastly, I cherish the meaningful connection to my cousins this tradition engenders, and I am excited to continue it between our children in the future.

Scripture: Revelation 21:5

Then the one seated on the throne said, “Look! I’m making all things new.” He also said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”


Creator God, inspire, ignite, and energize us to make this Advent season new.  Holding on to what we love dear while creating space for the divine spark to surprise and amaze us.  O Come, O Come, Emanuael.  Amen.


The Light (Phös)


Longing, Learing and Adjusting