Upcoming Events
From fun, community building activities to educational and spiritual growth opportunities, there are always great events happening at UUMC. If you want to stay in the loop about upcoming events, sign up for our newsletters!

MYF & Tween Time: Church Workday
Tweens (4th - 5th graders) and youth (6th - 12th graders), join Natasha and Jillian in the Fellowship Hall for lunch and fellowship. Then we'll work with rest of the church on projects to keep the church nice and looking great for Easter. Pickup at the church at 2:30!
Questions? Contact Jillian at jillian@uumc.org or Natasha at natasha@uumc.org

Parents' Night Out - April
Treat your kids to a fun night out with friends at UUMC! We'll have Spring and Easter-themed crafts, recreation, STEM, pizza, movie and dessert. This is the perfect time to do something fun by yourselves or join other parents for community time together. We can't wait to see you there! Fifth grade and under!
Parents: This month you have your own event! We’ll be having a Parents’ Happy Hour. Email Natasha for the address and to RSVP!
Questions? Email Jillian!

Methodist Youth Fellowship & Tween Time: Kayak Adventure
Tweens (4th & 5th graders) and Youth (6th - 12 graders):
Meet Jillian and Natasha at church! We'll eat dinner together, then head out together for kayaking on Lake Austin, please bring water bottle and $10! Pick up at 8pm at the church!
Ready to RSVP? Have questions? Email Jillian (Tweens) or Natasha (Youth)!

Little Ones' Night In
Treat your smallest kiddos (ages 4 and under) to a fun night out with friends at UUMC! We'll have special age-appropraite play with extra staff. This is the perfect time to do something fun by yourselves or join other parents for community time together. We can't wait to see you there!
Questions or Concerns? Please reach out to Jillian!

MYF & Tween Time: Park Cleanup & Pool Party
Tweens (4th-5th graders) and Youth (6th - 12th graders):
Join Natasha and Jillian in the Fellowship Hall after service. We'll head to the park for a picnic and cleanup. Then we'll go down the street to swim in Chad Jones' pool and celebrate the end of school! Please bring lunch! Pickup at the church at 2:30!
Questions? Ready to RSVP? Please email Jillian (Tweens) or Natasha (Youth).

Vacation Church Camp 2025
You are invited back to Wesley Falls for a week of exploring stories of Jesus’ leadership, learning about community leaders and celebrating our place in this ever-changing, beautiful world.
Come to Wesley Falls and join our town’s efforts to grow leaders who will go out into the big wide world and live out Wesley Falls’ newest mantra: On Earth as it is in Heaven. In our world, love is needed more than ever. We have it here. We want YOU to be you, be a learner, be a servant, be a voice and be a leader. We’ll see you there,
It will take place June 2-June 6 from 9 am to 12 pm. Extended care from 12 to 4 pm also available! Parents welcome to volunteer. Email Jillian with any questions and make sure to register your child ASAP!

MYF & Tween Time: Open Door Sorting and Fashion Show
Tweens (4th-5th graders) and youth (6th - 12th graders), join Natasha and Jillian in the Fellowship Hall for lunch and fellowship. Then we'll sort and organize clothes for Open Door ministries with a fashion show thrown in! Please bring lunch. Pickup at the church at 2:30!

Little Ones Potluck
All families with kiddos under 4, join us for some playtime, food, and fellowship! Please bring a small dish to share. A main dish will be provided and Jillian will bring extra toys to share.
For more details, please email jillian@uumc.org. Can't wait to see you there!

Methodist Youth Fellowship & Tween Time - Justice Scavenger Hunt
No school! Tweens (4th-5th graders) and youth (6th - 12th graders), we'll search through the neighborhoods of Austin to learn about some of the most important social justice events that have happened right here in our city. We'll have a tweens vs. youth hunt with clues and historical context at each stop. Looking forward to learning all about our city. See you there!
Questions? Contact Jillian or Natasha at jillian@uumc.org or natasha@uumc.org!

Parent's Night Out - February
Treat your kids to a fun night out with friends at UUMC! We'll have Valentine’s Day themed crafts, recreation, STEM, pizza, movie and dessert. This is the perfect time to do something fun by yourselves or join other parents for community time together. We can't wait to see you there! Fifth grade and under!
Questions? Email Jillian at jillian@uumc.org!

Our Whole Lives for 4th & 5th Graders
Sundays from February 2 - March 2
OWL is back for ages 4th-5th grade! Natasha Ulack and Kelly Edwards will teach this 5 session class every Sunday in February + the first Sunday in March. OWL dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships and improves decision making. This is a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education. Get all questions answered by emailing jillian@uumc.org.

MYF & Tween Time - Game Night
Tweens (4th-5th graders) and youth (6th - 12th graders), join us for the most fun we'll ever have! We'll get dinner together and then head to a game show inspired experience. Please plan to bring $15 for dinner. Pick up at the church at 8:30pm!
Questions? Contact Jillian!

Tween Lock-In
All 4th and 5th graders are invited to meet us at the church on Friday night at 5pm. We will walk to Kerby Lane for dinner and then to the UT underground for bowling. We will head back to the church for snacks and a movie. Everyone will sleep in the youth room so please bring a sleeping bag and pillow. We will serve at Open Door on Saturday morning and parents can pick up at 11am. Can't wait!
Questions? Contact Jillian at jillian@uumc.org!

Methodist Youth Fellowship & Tween Time - Outdoor Movie Night
Tweens and Youth: It’s Movie Night!
Tweens will get to hang out at the Jones House (78752) while Youth will have their own movie night at the Stimpert House (78723). Join us for dinner, hot chocolate and a movie! Bring a blanket to snuggle up. Drop off and Pickup at the houses!
RSVP to:
Jillian (Tweens) @ jillian@uumc.org
Natasha (Youth) @ natasha@uumc.org

Children & Youth Caroling
Families and kiddos are invited to gather together to bring comfort and joy to our community members who live in retirement and care homes! We will gather in the Fellowship Hall after worship to eat pizza and configure our carpools, and then we will depart to visit three care homes in the area to sing Christmas Carols for their residents.
Questions? Contact AV at alicia@uumc.org, Jillian at jillian@uumc.org or Natasha at natasha@uumc.org!

Children's Pageant
The most wonderful Family Sunday of the year! Christmas Pageant, blessing of the preemie blankets, and Advent Festival to follow.
All children (ages 2 and up) are encouraged to come to Sunday School to find their pageant costumes. The pageant takes place at the beginning of the 11am worship service. Following the pageant, volunteers will escort all kiddos back to the classrooms to play.
Join us after worship for our annual Advent Festival!
Questions? Contact Jillian at jillian@uumc.org!

Methodist Youth Fellowship & Tween Time: Crepes and Cocoa
Tweens (4th & 5th graders) and youth (6th - 12th grades), join Natasha and Jillian at the church at 4:30.
We are taking a holiday field trip to Crepe Crazy, where almost all of the employees are deaf and the hearing people are required to know sign language. We’ll get some yummy food, grab a hot chocolate and walk the trail together for our last gathering of 2024.
Pick up at the church at 7:30pm!

Methodist Youth Fellowship & Tween Time: Backyard Olympics
Join Natasha and Jillian right after church in the Fellowship Hall to eat lunch before we head to our host's house for our annual Olympic games. Tweens vs. youth- we'll see who wins this year! Please bring lunch and play clothes. Pickup is 2:30 at the church!

November Parents' Night Out
Treat your kids fifth grade and under to a fun night out with friends at UUMC! We'll always have crafts, recreation, STEM, pizza, movie and dessert. This month our theme is All Saints/Dia De Los Muertos!
PNO is the perfect time to do something fun by yourselves or join other parents for community time together. We can't wait to see you there!
Questions? Contact Jillian!
Can’t make it in November? We’ll have a couple more in February & May!

October Parents' Night Out
Treat your kids fifth grade and under to a fun night out with friends at UUMC! We'll always have crafts, recreation, STEM, pizza, movie and dessert. This month our theme is Halloween!
PNO is the perfect time to do something fun by yourselves or join other parents for community time together. We can't wait to see you there!
Questions? Contact Jillian!
Can’t make it in October? We’ll have one last PNO in November before the end of the year!

Children's Sunday
Kiddos are welcome to join our worship team. All are welcome to join Mx. AV during Sunday School to learn a song for the service. We will be lead by children of all ages in worship and 2nd graders will be presented with their bibles, so save the date! Tween Time to follow!
Questions? Contact Jillian!

September Parents' Night Out
Treat your kids fifth grade and under to a fun night out with friends at UUMC! We'll always have crafts, recreation, STEM, pizza, movie and dessert. This month our theme is Olympics!
PNO is the perfect time to do something fun by yourselves or join other parents for community time together. We can't wait to see you there!
Questions? Contact Jillian!
Can’t make it in September? We’ll also have PNOs in October and November this year!

Methodist Youth Fellowship & Tween Time: Trampoline Trip
It’s time for our first Methodist Youth Fellowship and Tween Time of the Year! Parents, drop your youth and tweens off at the park at the Triangle at 5pm. We’ll grab dinner then head to Altitude Trampoline park. Pick up at 8pm at the same place in the Triangle! Please provide $15 for dinner. Can't wait to see you there!

Back-to-School Orientation
Parents, Children and Youth meet Jillian and Natasha in the chapel. We’ll send Children and Youth to their Sunday Schools then hold a brief parent meeting. Parents, we’ll make sure you have time to attend the Sunday School Meet and Greet as well!
We’re gonna have a whole day of events, for a UUMC Sunday Social. We hope to see you at a few of them!

Level Up Camp
Natasha and Jillian are so jazzed about this camp made just for our tweens (4th and 5th) and Embers (6th and 7th). We'll have a service project at the church every morning and a fun adventure every afternoon.

Family Sunday
Come see your awesome UUMC community every third Sunday of the month for Family Sunday! We're looking forward to seeing you all for Godly Play, Modern Family for parents, and then a beautiful service led by kids, youth and congregants alike! Tween Time and MYF to follow!

Parents’ Night Out
Parents! Drop your kiddos off at the church with Jillian and childcare folks for fun, games, and pizza. Have the night to yourself or join other parents for your own fun and fellowship! Questions? Ask Jillian!

Methodist Youth Fellowship & Tween Time - Escape Room Escapade
Meet Jillian and Natasha at the church. We'll go to an escape room and then to dinner. Can't wait to see you all!

Parent's Night Out
Parents! Drop your kiddos off at the church with Jillian and childcare folks for fun, games, and pizza. Have the night to yourself or join other parents for your own fun and fellowship!

Methodist Youth Fellowship & Tween Time
Meet Jillian and Natasha in the Fellowship Hall for our Learning activity! Bring lunch and we will gather for fellowship before starting our activity. Can't wait to see you all! Email Jillian with any questions!

Family Sunday
Come see your awesome UUMC community every third Sunday of the month for Family Sunday! We're looking forward to seeing you all for Godly Play, Modern Family for parents, and then a beautiful service led by kids, youth and congregants alike! Tween Time and MYF to follow!
Come join us for a fun-filled Sunday!

Bible 101
Open to 2nd grade and up! Join Pastor Heather in the Chapel to learn how to navigate your Bibles. We will meet during the Sunday School hour every Sunday for the month of April (4/7, 4/14, 4/21, 4/28)
Please email Jillian with any questions!

Wesley Choir Performance!
Our Wesley choir (1st-12th grade) will sing “Hosanna, Hosanna” by Stan Pethel at the 11 am service on Palm Sunday, March 24th.
Wesley Choir Participants should arrive by 10:30 am.
Email Alicia for questions or to register!