 | Pancake DinnerMarch 4 | 5:30 - 7:30 pmCome celebrate Shrove Tuesday with pancakes–gluten-free and red velvet included–and other breakfast goodies. ALL are welcome–bring your beads and empty stomachs!
We’ll also kick off a March Food Drive of peanut butter, rice and canned beans for the UT Outpost! We’ll have collection containers in the Front Office and Sanctuary, bring them any time you’re coming to church: Pancake Supper, Sunday Worship or even just a meeting! |
 | Amplify Austin Day 2025
Amplify Austin Day is coming soon, and early giving is now open. Join us as we help raise money for Open Door and Fig Leaf! UUMC relies on Amplify Austin funds to supplement the church budget for Open Door and Fig Leaf, to help provide nutritious meals, crucial clothing, and supplies to our unhoused neighbors every Saturday morning.
And the need is growing: the average number of guests each week increased by 75% in 2023 compared to 2022. To help meet this need, our goal is to raise $10,000, which generous friends have offered to match. |
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 | Ash WednesdayMarch 5 | 12:15 & 7 pmWe begin our Lenten journey with Ash Wednesday. Lent is a time of remembering Jesus’ journey to the cross and a reminder of our deep dependence upon God and God’s continuous invitation to turn away from sin and towards God and others in love.
We have two worship services on Ash Wednesday. A 12:15 pm service will take place in the chapel and will include scripture, readings, special music and imposition of ashes.
A 7 pm service will take place in the sanctuary. Worshipers are invited to gather in the courtyard at 7 pm for a brief ritual of burning last year’s Palm branches led by Pastor Earl. If you still have yours from last year you are encouraged to bring them! Gathering music will begin at 7 pm in the sanctuary, so worshipers not participating in the ritual of burning the branches can enter the sanctuary for a time of reflection prior to the start of the service. The evening Ash Wednesday service is designed by campus ministry directors Megan Otto and Rev. David McMinn, Director of the UT Wesley Foundation. |
 | Tuesday Night Lights: Our Hearts Were Strangely LukewarmMarch 4 - April 8 | 7 pm | Library or ZoomJoin us for a six-session study on Emeritus Pastor John Elford’s book Our Hearts Were Strangely Lukewarm: The American Methodist Church and the Struggle with White Supremacy. This study, presented by the General Commission on Religion and Race of The United Methodist Church, will be facilitated by Pastors John and Earl. We will have a chance to reflect on the many ways that anti-Black racism in our history has harmed our Black neighbors and hurt our witness and mission as a church. We will also shine a light on how some Methodist Christians preached the prophetic gospel of inclusion and the hope of the Beloved Community. Join us in person or on Zoom! |
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Service of Worship Sunday @ 11 amScripture: Luke 9:28-36; 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2Join us for worship as we celebrate Holy Communion and Transfiguration Sunday, when Jesus was transfigured before his wilderness experience. This Sunday takes place before Ash Wednesday and the coming Lenten season. We will discover together what Jesus’ transfiguration has to teach us about celebrating change and honoring differences. The sermon texts include Luke 9:28-36 and 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2.
Included in the reading Pastor Teresa did to prepare for the sermon is a recent article for Illustrated Ministries by Rev. Dr. Jeehei Park who writes, “Many may perceive change, especially into something different or unfamiliar, as unsettling—even wrong. Yet, the lessons for today remind us that all kinds of transfiguration—including transitioning—are not to be feared or dismissed. Rather, they should be affirmed and celebrated. Let us remember God’s voice, acknowledging and embracing the transfigured Jesus: ‘This is my child, my chosen.’” (Luke 9:35). |
“Before his death, Rabbi Zusya said “In the coming world, they will not ask me: ‘Why were you not Moses?’ They will ask me: ‘Why were you not Zusya?’” – Martin Buber |
Fig Leaf Needs: Men’s ClothingThanks to many generous donations, we have an abundance of many items. We’re currently in need of casual men’s clothes. If you have items not on this list–like women’s and children’s clothing–consider holding onto them for later donation, or finding another group that is in greater need of them. |
| District MeetingBishop Fierro Harvey and the Rio Texas Conference will be holding a zoom meeting on March 16 at 4 pm to unveil the new district lines of the conference. Click here to register to attend. |
| 2025 Crop WalkThe Gardeners Sunday School Class is representing UUMC at the 2025 Austin CROP walk on March 2nd. The goal is to raise funds and awareness to combat hunger caused by factors like natural disasters and inadequate access to water. Money raised goes to local and global organizations. We walk to end hunger. We walk in solidarity with those around the world who must walk miles to get clean water. Walk with us. Give generously. |
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Advocacy DayJoin Texas Freedom Network and Just Texas for our Advocacy Day on Wednesday, April 2, at the Texas Capitol! This is an important opportunity for activists, people of faith, students, and teachers alike to come together as a unified community and advocate for the issues that matter most to progressive Texans. |
| Whether you’re new to our movement or a seasoned advocate, your voice matters. We’ll provide you with all the training and resources you need to engage with lawmakers effectively and make a lasting impact.
Together, we can advocate for a state where every person, no matter who they are or where they come from, feels safe and supported.
Please register by March 3! |
Interfaith Advocates and FriendsJoin Texas Impact for a time of spiritual support and sharing with interfaith colleagues working for justice. We will meet weekly on Zoom Thursday evenings at 8:00, CST beginning on March 6, 2025. All are welcome! Click here to register. |
Community Blood DriveUniversity Presbyterian Church will be hosting a blood drive on Sunday, March 2 from 12 - 4 pm to support at-risk patients in Central Texas. To learn more or sign up to donate, visit their website. |
| Poetry Club Meeting2/28 | 7 pm |
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| Little Ones Potluck3/2 | 4 pm |
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| Pancake Supper3/4 | 5:30 pm |
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| TNL: Our Hearts were Strangely Lukewarmbegins 3/4 | 6:45 pm |
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| Ash Wednesday: Mid-Day Service3/5 | 12:15 pm |
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| Ash Wednesday: Evening Service3/5 | 7 pm |
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| Tween Time & MYF: Open Door Sorting3/9 | 12 pm |
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| Youth: Service Lock-In3/14 | 5 pm |
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| Queer Fellowship: Happy Hour3/14 | 6 pm |
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| Children’s MinistryIf you have kiddos that you’d like to get involved in our children’s ministry, or just to learn more, reach out to Jillian |
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| Youth MinistryIf you have youth that you’d like to get involved in our youth ministry, or just to learn more, reach out to Natasha. |
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| College & Young AdultCollege Students and Young Adults, we have programs for you too! Contact Megan to get involved. |
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| Music MinistryUUMC is proud of its rich tradition of outstanding music. We offer opportunities for anyone, of any age or skill level. To get involved, contact AV. |
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| Continuing Adult EducationUUMC provides a variety of Sunday School groups, classes, and mission and justice ministries. Contact Pastor Earl to learn more. |
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| Worship & AdministrationThere are a lot of moving parts to operate this wonderful place. If you'd like to learn more or potentially volunteer, contact Pastor Teresa. |
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