Reminder: Daylight Savings is this weekend. Don’t forget to “Spring Forward” Saturday night so you don’t miss Sunday School and Church on Sunday morning! |
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 | Last Day of Amplify Austin 2025!
Join us as we help raise money for Open Door and Fig Leaf! UUMC relies on Amplify Austin funds to supplement the church budget for Open Door and Fig Leaf, to help provide nutritious meals, crucial clothing, and supplies to our unhoused neighbors every Saturday morning.
Unfortunately the need is growing. The average number of guests each week increased by 75% in 2023 compared to 2022, which was an average of 155 guests per week. But last year, we had an average of 190 guests per week. To help meet this ever-growing need, our goal is to raise $10,000, which generous friends have offered to match. |
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 | Queer Fellowship Happy HourMarch 14 | 6 pm Join us for a happy hour fellowship sip and chat at Lazarus Brewery. All LGBTQIA+ folks welcome. Questions? Email AV at! |
 | Church WorkdayApril 6 | 12 pm Mark your calendars for another church-wide workday! We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall following worship for a light lunch and to hear more about the various work areas. There will be indoor and outdoor projects for persons of all ages and capabilities to participate. Our last workday was a great success and we appreciate all who are able to join us. |
 | Book TalkMarch 9 | 9:45 am Join us this Sunday morning during Sunday School hours in Fellowship Hall to learn from Professor Wilson about her newly published book, The Politics of Hate: How the Christian Right Darkened America's Political Soul. Professor Wilson is the Chair of the Political Studies Association of the UK and her research explores the intersections of social conservatism, Christianity, feminist political theory and policies regulating sexuality. In the book, she argues how Christian Right organizations have darkened America’s political soul by strategically constructing a theological justification for hate. |
Service of Worship Sunday @ 11 amScripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Join us for worship on this first Sunday in Lent. During Lent, there are a few different liturgical pieces in our worship services: we have a Prayer of Confession at the beginning of the service, an alternate translation of The Lord’s Prayer from writers at Enfleshed, and a new Doxology that includes the words “Praise God throughout these forty days. Praise Jesus Christ whom God did raise. And praise the Spirit who imparts God’s love and peace into our hearts. Amen.”
On this first Sunday in Lent, Pastor Earl is preaching and his sermon title is “Everything [In] Between: Between the Divine and the Human.” The scripture lesson is Matthew 4:1-11 about Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. During Children’s Time, we will “bury the Alleluias.” This is a tradition in many churches as we refrain from speaking or singing “Alleluia” during the season of Lent. Our Lenten Offering this year will assist two different non-profits committed to supporting immigrants. You can read more about the Lenten Offering below. |
 | Lenten OfferingThis year's Lenten Offering will go to Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors and American Gateways. The mission of both non-profits is to support and welcome immigrants. You can read their mission statements below and find more information on their websites. This special offering will be collected throughout the season of Lent (March 9-April 13) and will be divided equally between the two organizations. |
American Gateways: To champion the dignity and human rights of immigrants, refugees and survivors of persecution, torture, conflict and human trafficking through exceptional immigration legal services at no or low cost, education and advocacy. |
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| Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors:Welcoming immigrants and refugees into our communities through free, high-quality immigration legal services, advocacy, and education. |
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You can donate by cash, check or online. Please write “Lenten Offering” on your offering envelope or the memo section of your check. If you are giving online, visit and select “Give to Special Offerings” then add “Lenten Offering” in the notes section. Thank you for your generosity. |
Fig Leaf Needs: Men’s ClothingThanks to many generous donations, we have an abundance of many items. We’re currently in need of casual men’s clothes, particularly jeans, sweatpants and khakis. If you have other items–like women’s and children’s clothing–consider holding onto them for later donation, or finding another group that is in greater need of them. |
| District MeetingBishop Fierro Harvey and the Rio Texas Conference will be holding a zoom meeting on March 16 at 4 pm to unveil the new district lines of the conference. Click here to register to attend. |
Interfaith Advocates and FriendsJoin Texas Impact for a time of spiritual support and sharing with interfaith colleagues working for justice. We will meet weekly on Zoom Thursday evenings at 8:00, CST beginning on March 6, 2025. All are welcome! Click here to register. |
| Tween Time & MYF: Open Door Sorting3/9 | 12 pm |
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| Youth: Service Lock-In3/14 | 5 pm |
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| Queer Fellowship: Happy Hour3/14 | 6 pm |
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| Family Camping Trip3/29 | 12 pm |
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| Children’s MinistryIf you have kiddos that you’d like to get involved in our children’s ministry, or just to learn more, reach out to Jillian |
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| Youth MinistryIf you have youth that you’d like to get involved in our youth ministry, or just to learn more, reach out to Natasha. |
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| College & Young AdultCollege Students and Young Adults, we have programs for you too! Contact Megan to get involved. |
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| Music MinistryUUMC is proud of its rich tradition of outstanding music. We offer opportunities for anyone, of any age or skill level. To get involved, contact AV. |
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| Continuing Adult EducationUUMC provides a variety of Sunday School groups, classes, and mission and justice ministries. Contact Pastor Earl to learn more. |
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| Worship & AdministrationThere are a lot of moving parts to operate this wonderful place. If you'd like to learn more or potentially volunteer, contact Pastor Teresa. |
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