 | Pipe Down: A State of the Organ AddressMarch 30 | 9:45 am | Fellowship Hall Join us for a fifth Sunday joint Sunday School opportunity. Our music director, AV, and organist, EunJoo, with Bill Bingham, will tell us about the status of our pipe organ, the repair options, and the process. For all of us who love and enjoy organ music in our worship services, this will be a good time to have an open conversation about how we can better care for and appreciate our beloved instrument. |
 | Church WorkdayPlease Note: Corrected DateApril 6 | 12 pm Wear your work clothes to church, because right after we’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall following worship for a light lunch and to hear more about the various work areas. We’re still finalizing the full list of tasks, but we know we’ll be working on some landscaping on Guadalupe and straightening up the sanctuary. There will be indoor and outdoor projects for persons of all ages and capabilities to participate. Our last workday was a great success and we appreciate all who are able to join us. |
 | Holy Week ServicesPalm SundayApril 13 | 11 am | SanctuaryJoin us for worship as we observe Palm/Passion Sunday. Our service will begin with the traditional waving of palm branches as we recall the Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and we will hear special music from our children's choir. The service will then move to a time of recalling the passion of Christ with scripture lessons and special music.
Maundy ThursdayApril 17 | 7 pm | SanctuaryOn Maundy Thursday we remember that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and instituted The Last Supper (Communion) before his crucifixion. Maundy means "command" and in response to Jesus' example, this service will include communion and optional foot washing as well as hymns and a brief homily.
Good FridayApril 18 | 7 pm | SanctuaryWe’ll have a reflective service featuring congregational singing, special music, scripture readings, and other selected readings centered on our ongoing work of justice and commitment to anti-racism. |
Service of Worship Sunday @ 11 amScripture: Luke 15:1-7This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday in Lent and the scripture passage is the Parable of the Lost Sheep from Luke 15:1-7. With joy we will celebrate the baptism of Sophie Mira Bugge, daughter of Leanna Lam and Travis Bugge and the Sanctuary Choir will sing “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” by Isaac Watts arr. Virgil Thomson. At the beginning of worship we will light a candle in celebration of International Transgender Day of Visibility which is March 31. This is also the weekend for our church’s family camping trip! We pray for youth coordinator Natasha and children’s director Jillian as they lead this event and for all the youth and families who are attending. We hope everyone has a safe and wonderful time! |
 | Lenten OfferingThis year's Lenten Offering will go to Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors and American Gateways. The mission of both non-profits is to support and welcome immigrants. You can read their mission statements below and find more information on their websites. This special offering will be collected throughout the season of Lent (March 9-April 13) and will be divided equally between the two organizations. |
American Gateways: To champion the dignity and human rights of immigrants, refugees and survivors of persecution, torture, conflict and human trafficking through exceptional immigration legal services at no or low cost, education and advocacy. |
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| Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors:Welcoming immigrants and refugees into our communities through free, high-quality immigration legal services, advocacy, and education. |
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You can donate by cash, check or online. Please write “Lenten Offering” on your offering envelope or the memo section of your check. If you are giving online, visit uumc.org/give and select “Give to Special Offerings” then add “Lenten Offering” in the notes section. Thank you for your generosity. |
| Family Camping Trip3/29 | 12 pm |
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| Pipe Down: A State of the Organ Address3/30 | 9:45 am |
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| Church WorkdayApril 6 | 12 pm |
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| Palm SundayApril 13 | 12 pm |
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| Maundy ThursdayApril 17 | 12 pm |
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| Good FridayApril 18 | 12 pm |
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| Parents’ Night OutApril 19 | 5 pm |
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| Parent Happy HourApril 19 | 5:15 pm |
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| Easter SundayApril 20 | 9 & 11 am |
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| Easter FestivalApril 20 | 12 pm |
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| Children’s MinistryIf you have kiddos that you’d like to get involved in our children’s ministry, or just to learn more, reach out to Jillian |
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| Youth MinistryIf you have youth that you’d like to get involved in our youth ministry, or just to learn more, reach out to Natasha. |
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| College & Young AdultCollege Students and Young Adults, we have programs for you too! Contact Megan to get involved. |
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| Music MinistryUUMC is proud of its rich tradition of outstanding music. We offer opportunities for anyone, of any age or skill level. To get involved, contact AV. |
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| Continuing Adult EducationUUMC provides a variety of Sunday School groups, classes, and mission and justice ministries. Contact Pastor Earl to learn more. |
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| Worship & AdministrationThere are a lot of moving parts to operate this wonderful place. If you'd like to learn more or potentially volunteer, contact Pastor Teresa. |
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