Teresa’s Note: December 22, 2023


Dear friends and members of University UMC:

Christmas is almost here! 

Below you’ll find a Blessing for Christmas Eve written by Kate Bowler and a creative re-thinking of the text we read each Christmas Eve from John’s Gospel entitled The Johnannine Nativity.

This season may our prayers join together for the grief-stricken and heartbroken, the lonely and ill, the hungry and all who live in fear. I hope you and your family and friends have a wonderful joy-filled season. I look forward to seeing many of you at one or more of our Christmas Eve services. For those of you who are traveling, I pray for safety as you travel.

What a joy to be your pastor!


The Johnannine Nativity

by Maren Tirabassi 

In the beginning was the Word

and the Word was with God

and the Word was love, or light, or create-this.

In the beginning was the Word

and the Word was Hail and Mary.

Manger, jingle, star. 

In the beginning was the Word

and it was Qur’an and Ganesh, Yahweh, Tao.

And the Tao was with God and 

in the manger was God.

The Hail to a young girl was with the create-this.

All that came into being was Allah,

and the light shone on the Ganges

and there were bodhisattvas 

who were not afraid.

In the beginning was the Word, 

who let us write it.

The Qur’an was written on the darkness

and the darkness became a Star.

Many men and women were sent from God,

with very many names,

and they pointed and chanted,

burned sage, whirled, sweat,

fasted and prophesied to the love

so that all would believe.

They were words, not the Word,

but they spoke without fear.

The manger child with the crossed-heart

comes into the world

and there is a turning away -

the jealous claiming of the Word

that ends up spitting it out.

But where there is a turning toward,

the listening straw meets the children of God

who are born…

not so much in their own traditions,

as on the articulating breath of God.

Word becomes flesh - dangerous

and so very often divisive

but hope lives among us

and we speak and write its glory,

as long as we do not pretend to understand. 

A Blessing for Christmas Eve

by Kate Bowler

You are here. What a wonder. 

Robed in the everyday majesty of a newborn, 

  so beautiful, so soft, so new.

Perfect in the terrifying fragility that thrills every parent. 

(Watch his head! Look at those tiny fingernails.)

God became human, blinking at strange, new surroundings.

All wisdom and power 

  poured into a smallness that knows hunger and gravity

  and unseeing urgency for your mother’s skin.

And Mary, so newly parted from you, turns her thoughts to the impossible angelic   

  visitation that promised you’d come. 

And she knew, somehow, staring at your eyelashes, 

  that you were a great reversal here to put all things right.

Blessed are we when our hearts warm with her. 

You’re here. 

And we are too, 

  newly come to worship with kings and shepherds 

  and barn animals and angels as you light up the world 

  on this holiest, loveliest night. 

Remember you can watch the recorded in-person service on our YouTube channel.

December 10 - Lessons & Carols Sanctuary Service

Teresa’s Note: December 29, 2023


Teresa’s Note: December 15, 2023