Teresa’s Note: December 29, 2023


Dear friends and members of University UMC:

Happy New Year! This weekend Megan is preaching and her sermon text is the story from Luke’s Gospel telling of Anna and Simeon’s visit to the temple. They are present when Mary and Joseph present Jesus in keeping with the traditions and custom of their day. I’ve included here two poems by Sarah Are of A Sanctified Art. One of the poems is on dreaming and the other is about Anna and Simeon. The story of these two faithful elders is touching. Anna was a prophetess who never left the temple. Simeon received the promise that he would see the Messiah before his death. Both are overjoyed to welcome the infant.

As you begin a new year, I share with you a poem I came across by Joe Davis. Davis is an African American writer and activist. He is based in Minneapolis and employs theater, music, dance and poetry in his messages. I really liked hearing him read the poem and you can do so here:

Joe Davis - Show Up (Live at Boom Slam! Teen Poetry Slam)

Some of the lines that really jump out to me include:

This is no mistake—you are not here by accident;

You are the only you that ever has been.

You are not the magician—you are the magic!

So show up.

This place here, there is no grace period—

there’s only grace, period.

I’m grateful for who you are and the ways you show up. I look forward to the hope and promise of a new year here at UUMC.

What a joy to be your pastor!


Swell | Luke 2:22-40

by Sarah Are

You know that feeling when you fall in love?  

Time-stands-still and moves too fast. 

You’d give up sleep just to talk all night,  

Because there’s so much to say and not enough time.  

It’s that full to the brim,  

Over the stars,  

Living is dreaming, 


Kind of feeling?  

I imagine that’s how Simeon and Anna felt  

When they saw Jesus that day.  

I imagine it was that full to the brim,  

Over the stars,  

Living is dreaming, 


Good news kind of feeling. 

I imagine it was love.  

And I imagine that that good, good news  

Swelled to the tip of their tongues 

Until they could not keep silent.  

So may we know what Simeon and Anna knew,  

Which is that some dreams we hold close to our chest,  

For ourselves to cherish and never forget.  

But other dreams must be spoken out loud—  

Dreams of justice and love and hope, here and now.  

So today my prayer is to know that swell,  

For there is good, good news  

That we must tell.  

Words of Faith and Hope for Those Who Dream

by Sarah Are

We believe in hope.

We believe that to hope is to dream with our eyes wide open.

We believe in peace.

We believe that peace is not found by accident. Prepare the way.

We believe in joy.

We believe that joy is angel choruses and gifts from the Magi,

As well as soul food, big tables,

Open doors, candle light, fireside,

Singing in the shower, and the body of Christ gathered as one.

We believe in love.

We believe that God loves us so much that God could not stay away.

So God showed up as a child.

We believe that that love is real, and we know that it changes us.

Therefore, we believe in the power of dreams,

And we believe that nightmares, which are all too real here and now,

Will have no place in God’s promised day.

Until then, we believe in passing the light,

In showing up, in doing the work,

In listening for angel choruses, and in learning from the youngest among us.

We believe.

Help our unbelief! Amen.


Teresa’s Note: January 5, 2024


Teresa’s Note: December 22, 2023