Children’s Newsletter: November



all children’s events take place on the 1st floor of the education building.

Sunday School

10 - 10:45 am Godly Play in the Bluebonnet Room for 2-years-old through 5th grade


9 am - 12:15 pm in the Sunflower Room


Nourish - Room 321

9:45 am - 10 am Coffee and Conversation

10 am - Class Discussion

Upcoming Events

Parent’s Night Out

11/11 @ 5:00pm

Parents! Drop your kiddos off at the church with Jillian and childcare folks for fun, games, and pizza. Have the night to yourself or join other parents for your own fun and fellowship! I will make time for a game of Wolf :)

Click here to register by November 9!

Tween Time Wesley UMC Visit

11/12 @ 10:45am

Tweens (4th & 5th graders), meet Jillian and Natasha in the Fellowship Hall! We'll leave right after Sunday School at 10:45 am to get to an 11 o'clock service at Wesley UMC, an all-black congregant UMC church. Then we'll head to Kerbey Lane- please send your kiddo with money for lunch! Pick up at 1:30pm at UUMC. If you're interested in helping us drive, please contact Jillian!

Family Sunday

11/19 @ 9:45

Come see your awesome UUMC community every third Sunday of the month for Family Sunday! We're looking forward to seeing you all for Godly Play, Modern Family for parents, and then a beautiful service led by kids, youth and congregants alike!

Acolyte Training

11/19 @ 12:00pm

Calling all 2nd-5th graders! Pastor Earl and Jillian will lead an acolyte training for those that are interested. Lunch will be provided so we will meet after Family Sunday for fellowship and then Earl will show us how to light our beloved candles and we will get lots of practice! We will also have time for a game of Wolf in the sanctuary. Parent pickup at 2 pm!

Christmas Season

Wesley Choir

Our Team


Econnection: November 2, 2023


Econnection: October 26, 2023