Econnection: October 12, 2023


Featured Events

Worship | Sunday  @ 11:00 am
Online or In-Person

Join us for worship! We continue our sermon series, “Abundant Life” and Pastor Earl will be preaching. As introduced last week, we’ll continue hearing the scripture passage from a new translation of the Bible called First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament. Throughout October we’ll use this translation for The Lord’s Prayer as well.

At our Sanctuary service, we celebrate Family Sunday with children and youth leading in various worship roles. Can't make it in on Sunday? Visit our YouTube channel starting at 11 am on Sunday for our Online Service or Monday afternoon for the recorded Sanctuary Service.

“Aliveness, Jesus will teach, is a gift available to all by God's grace. It flows not from taking, but giving, not from fear but from faith, not from conflict but from reconciliation, not from domination but from service. It isn't found in the upper trappings of religion -rules and rituals, controversies and scruples, temples and traditions. No, it springs up from our innermost being like a fountain of living water. It intoxicates us like the best wine ever and so turns life from disappointment into a banquet.”

― Brian D. McLaren


NO Crossing Guard THIS SUNDAY

Due to the security demands of the Austin City Limits festival, Detective West Williams, will be unable to serve as our crossing guard this Sunday, October 15. Please use 24th Street lights to safely cross Guadalupe when parking in the Platinum Lot and leave the UUMC Lot for those with limited mobility.  

Stewardship Season

Stewardship Season is here! During this season we look to Commitment to Giving Sunday on October 29 when members and friends of UUMC are invited to return pledge cards indicating their financial commitment to the ministries and mission of the church.

Our theme this year is “Abundant Life,” reminding us that Jesus came to give a life that is abundant. The central message is the life-affirming joy we ourselves experience when we live our lives in service for others and all of creation. Throughout October we will hear church members share about their own journey of giving and why they are excited about contributing to the work of Christ at UUMC. The weeks ahead are an opportunity to be in prayer as we each discern what our commitment will be.

If you have a history of giving and returning a pledge card, thank you! If you have not yet made the decision to contribute to the life of the church financially and/or have given in the past but not completed a pledge card, I invite you to consider doing so this year. You can find a copy of the pledge card here. Remember that you can complete and return your card at any time. As always, if you have any questions or want to be in conversation about this, do not hesitate to reach out to Pastor Teresa. 

Diana Butler Bass Rescheduled

We’re so glad to announce we’ve rescheduled Diana Butler Bass’ visit to UUMC! She will now hold her presentation, Q&A, and book signing on January 27 at 7 pm and Guest Preaching during the 11 am service on January 28.

Online Sanctuary Service

Did you know that in addition to the pre-recorded YouTube worship service, staff is also working to capture the in-person sanctuary service? On Monday afternoons you can find the sanctuary service on our YouTube channel.

Many thanks to the communications team who makes all this possible! We are still working out some technical issues such as sound quality but are glad to be able to connect with people online through these worship services. Watch them all here!

Charge Conference

Charge Conference is an annual meeting with the District Superintendent for the purpose of approving important administrative reports. Our DS Rev. Dr. Marcus Freeman has set the group Charge Conference with other area UMCs for Sunday, November 12 at 4 pm at Northwest Hills UMC in Austin. This newer model adopted in recent years means that we will arrive with all our required administrative reports ready to submit and approved at the previous Church Council meeting. Should we have any “UUMC-specific” items we can request an individual Charge Conference for specific agenda items as we’ve done in the past. All are welcome to attend and church council members have voice and vote.

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Econnection: October 19, 2023


Children’s Newsletter: October