Econnection: October 19, 2023


Featured Events

Worship | Sunday  @ 11:00 am
Online or In-Person

Join us for worship as we continue our sermon series on “Abundant Life” this Stewardship Season. Pastor Teresa will be preaching and we welcome Stewardship Speakers Scott Murphy and Brandon Wollerson. Visit our YouTube channel starting at 11 am on Sunday for our Online Service or Monday afternoon for the recorded Sanctuary Service.

“The abundance of our lives is not determined by how long we live but how well we live. Christ makes abundant life possible if we choose to live it now.”

– BB Taylor


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Stewardship Season

Stewardship Season is here! Which means so is our annual Stewardship Cartoon from John Bridges!

Our theme this year is “Abundant Life,” reminding us that Jesus came to give a life that is abundant. The central message is the life-affirming joy we ourselves experience when we live our lives in service for others and all of creation. The weeks ahead are an opportunity to be in prayer as we each discern what our commitment will be. If you have a history of giving and returning a pledge card, thank you! If you have not yet made the decision to contribute to the life of the church financially and/or have given in the past but not completed a pledge card, we invite you to consider doing so this year. You can find a copy of the pledge card here. Remember that you can complete and return your card at any time.

As always, if you have any questions or want to be in conversation about this, do not hesitate to reach out to Pastor Teresa. 

Joining Sunday

October 29 | 11 am

If you have been visiting with us and are interested in joining as a member at University UMC we'd be thrilled to have you! Please be in touch with Pastor Teresa or Pastor Earl and they will be happy to visit with you about the details. 

We’re so glad to announce we’ve rescheduled Diana Butler Bass’ visit to UUMC! She will now hold her presentation, Q&A, and book signing on January 27 at 7 pm and Guest Preach during the 11 am service on January 28.

Charge Conference

Charge Conference is an annual meeting with the District Superintendent for the purpose of approving important administrative reports. Our DS Rev. Dr. Marcus Freeman has set the group Charge Conference with other area UMCs for Sunday, November 12 at 4 pm at Northwest Hills UMC in Austin. This newer model adopted in recent years means that we will arrive with all our required administrative reports ready to submit and approved at the previous Church Council meeting. Should we have any “UUMC-specific” items we can request an individual Charge Conference for specific agenda items as we’ve done in the past. All are welcome to attend and church council members have voice and vote.

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Econnection: October 26, 2023


Econnection: October 12, 2023