Upcoming Events
From fun, community building activities to educational and spiritual growth opportunities, there are always great events happening at UUMC. If you want to stay in the loop about upcoming events, sign up for our newsletters!

College Ministry: Super Bowl Party
College students join us for our annual Super Bowl Party! Even if you don't like football you can join the fun. There will be food and games.
Looking to join? Contact Megan at motto@uumc.org!

College Ministry Dinners Returns
Welcome back College Students! We will begin our semester with dinner and.....something fun!
Join us for dinner and fun every Sunday night at 5:30pm.

College Ministry: Finals Week Petting Zoo
College students come join us for a stress reliever event with the animals!
Questions? Contact Megan at motto@uumc.org!

Methodism 101
November 17 - December 1
Pastor Earl will be leading a three-week Sunday School class for those interested in learning more about Methodist beliefs and The United Methodist Church. The class will meet during the Sunday School hour from 9:45-10:45 in the Fellowship Hall.

Lunch & Learn: Faith and Politics - Christian Witness in Turbulent Times
In this chaotic and polarizing presidential election season, it can be hard to discern a way forward. Rhetoric escalates into shouting. Disagreements degenerate into fights. Sometimes Christian voices in these disputes seem to be not very Christian. How does our faith have an impact on our voice and vote? Should it have an impact? This Lunch and Learn, lead by Dr. David Jensen, will focus on the variety of ways Christians can engage in politics and suggest some ways of navigating disagreements in our broader society.
Questions? Contact Pastor Earl at PastorEarl@uumc.org
About Dr. David Jensen
A professor at Austin Seminary, Dr. David Jensen’s teaching and research focus on Reformed theology, interfaith dialogue, and the interconnections between Christian theology and daily life. He received an MAR from Yale Divinity School in 1994 and a PhD in theology from Vanderbilt University in 1999. Dr. Jensen is also the editor of “Compass,” a book series that encourages theological reflection on everyday practices.

Tuesday Night Lights - Faith & Politics
What can we do, and how should we live as Christians in this season of political battles? Let us get together and talk about the topics of faith and politics (the politics of Jesus, church and state, democracy and Christian faith, and more) as the presidential election approaches.
This class will run through the Tuesday after the election, where we search for ways to process and find home, regardless of the outcome.

Habitat for Humanity Build
University UMC and other churches in the university area are collaborating on a Habitat for Humanity house-building project. As a partnering church, we are contributing $5,000 to the project, and our August and September communion altar rail offerings will assist us in raising the necessary funds. We are excited about this opportunity to be in mission and ministry together! Stay posted for more details, and let Pastor Earl know if you are interested in being a part of the building day and/or if you have any questions.
Questions? Ready to sign up to build? Contact Pastor Earl.

Queer Fellowship Dinner - September
Come join us in a time of Queer Fellowship! We will break bread together, share our joys and concerns, and enjoy each others company.

College Ministry - Lunch & Murder Mystery
Welcome back College Students! Join Megan after worship for lunch. After we eat, we’ll play a murder mystery game and have some fun to start the semester!

Queer Fellowship Brunch
Hosted by the UUMC Queer Council!
Join us for an intergenerational queer fellowship event to kick-off pride month. All LGBTQIA+ members and friends of UUMC are invited to this community-building event to get to know each other, share our joys and hopes for our church, and eat waffles! All ages are welcome, and there will be coffee and muffins in the library for any ally parents/guardians to hang out with one another and share in their own fellowship time!
Questions? Contact AV!

Reading with Elizabeth
This January through April, Elizabeth Hoffman is leading a monthly book club. She has chosen a variety of genres, authors, and voices that highlight different cultures, races, genders, and age groups. We’ll meet the last Monday of the month - 1/29, 2/26, 3/25, 4/29. Come to one or come to them all!
Our first book is “Grateful” by Diana Butler Bass. Let us know if you plan to attend!

An Evening with Diana Butler Bass
Join us as we host Diana Butler Bass, Ph.D on January 27, at 7:00 pm. A presentation, “Awakening or Apocalypse: Reimagining the Times in Which We Live,” will take place at 7:00 pm in the University UMC sanctuary followed by a Q&A and book signing.
Diana Butler Bass, Ph.D will also be guest preaching at University United Methodist Church on January 28 at 11:00 am and all are welcome to attend.
Event Information
Education Building Doors and Sanctuary Doors will open at 6 pm.
The UUMC Lot and the Platinum Parking Lot will be available for free parking. If those are full, please utilize the nearby meters and San Antonio Garage. We will not be validating parking in the San Antonio Garage on Saturday evening. Parking in University of Texas spaces will require proper UT permits.
Signed Books
Following her speaking engagement, Diana Butler Bass will be signing copies of her books. “Grateful” and “Freeing Jesus” will be available for purchase for $20 on site. Credit cards preferred, but cash will be accepted. Please note, we will not be able to make change.
About Diana Butler Bass
Diana Butler Bass, Ph.D holds a doctorate in Religious Studies from Duke University. She is an award-winning author of 11 books and a trusted authority on religion and contemporary spirituality. She has been a New York Times syndicated columnist and has additional bylines in the Washington Post, USA Today, atlantic.com and cnn.com.

College Ministry Returns
Welcome back to the spring semester UT friends! We'll have dinner and fellowship time! Contact College Ministry Director, Megan Otto with any questions.

Habitat for Humanity Build
If you had a chance to build homes for those who need them most, would you like to volunteer? Our church is going to join Habitat for Humanity and other university-area churches to build houses in the Austin area on two Saturdays (October 14 and November 4). Whether you’re a skilled craftsperson or you’ve never picked up a hammer, building with Austin Habitat will be a meaningful experience.
Registration for this event is full
Questions? Contact Pastor Earl.
Age Levels
Young Adult
**Whatever we rebrand Prime-Timers As
Open Door
Fig Leaf
Flower Ministry
Racial Justice
UUMC Votes
Tags (The What)
Spiritual Growth
Community Building
Holy Week